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Yes, most disease besides toxin induced disease is caused by societal stress.


I'm not worried about AI. Doctors today are essentially like ai as they follow mindless idiotic guidelines and don't think for themselves. At least people will question AI more as they're usually shy to question a narcissist in a lab coat with his shiny medical degree on the wall.

As for them mandating shots for "worker health", they can go fk themselves. Maybe they should look at the data and then we can flip the script ... Those vaxxed should be penalized instead as they are sicker!

Why aren't lawyers calling out that Jacobson was just a fine?

This is where I'm so sick of the "fight" they play.

Instead these idiots are arguing over whether the shots stop transmission. Even if it did, that doesn't change the fact that the only penalty would be a fine.

Sigh, whatever. Hopefully these lawyers will wake the f up.

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What an excellent podcast. I'm so impressed. Thanks Aimee.

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