On February 27, 2025, supporters gathered in the Dyker Heights section of Brooklyn for the first meeting of the Donald J. Trump Kings County Republican Club.
Founder Jimmy Wagner, New York State Senator Stephen Chan, and Brooklyn Republican Party Chair Richard Barsamian spoke at the event, along with Republican candidates for City Council Athena Clarke and Luis Quero.
Numerous New York City workers who lost jobs under the City’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates attended and spoke at the event, including candidate Clarke. Club founder and attorney Jimmy Wagner represented her in a lawsuit challenging her termination, and has represented numerous other workers fired under the mandate.
The club’s speakers highlighted “reinstate and compensate” efforts as a focus of the club, and underscored its openness to reaching across party lines, with Wagner saying:
“Every month we're going to have one of these meetings. Every month we're going to have people that go across the aisle. . . . I'm going to try to get us Democrats and Republicans that talk about common sense, that can come to this table and bring us common sense ideas.”
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