No One You Know
Conversations with neighbors and strangers. Reporting from New York.
I’m covering current issues by talking with people affected by and engaged with them. They’re not famous, they’re not high-profile politicians, and they’re not media figures—they’re probably no one you know.
Subscribe to No One You Know to receive new articles, podcast episodes, and videos via email. All of the New York Mandate Podcast episodes are available to free subscribers, along with some of the articles I write. You can receive all of my articles, have access to the full archive, and support my work by becoming a paid subscriber.
In the Video Reporting section of No One You Know, you can see event coverage and interviews from my video reporting channel, NYCforYourself. The channel is available on both YouTube and Rumble, but you’ll find some videos on the Rumble channel that can’t be published on YouTube.
A Word About NYCforYourself
If you’re wondering why my video content is split between YouTube and Rumble, it’s because YouTube has strict and extensive community guidelines that prevent me from publishing many videos there, including videos of public events. I am staying on YouTube to reach a broad audience, but I publish the things YouTube doesn’t permit on Rumble. This does not reflect any political view on my part, other than support for freedom of speech and of the press.
My goal as a reporter is to have open, honest conversations with people and to provide an unedited view of events that gets as close as possible to letting you see them for yourself. I do not shape my coverage to conform to the guidelines of content platforms.