Thanks, Aimee, for reporting on this. So much would be lost without you.

It is a sad state of affairs. My heart goes out to Matt Connor and all our Firefighters.

I didn't like the attorney, Austin Graff. I saw one of his earlier court appearances, where he seems shaken and makes rookie lawyer mistakes, like trying to get "new evidence" submitted on Reply. New evidence is allowed on Reply only in direct response to allegations raised in opposition papers, which will sound like a bunch of goobleygook to anyone unfamiliar, but Austin should have known this. Lawyerland has so much bullcrap to it.

But, yes, they are right to be proud of the effort. The U.S. Supreme Court only "accepts" a tiny amount of cases, something like less than 5% of petitioners who want to get heard before the U.S. Supreme Court actually do.

But look at these "judges"! And I am not only talking about the U.S. Supreme Court judges, but, especially New York judges....quite an unhealthy, unhappy looking bunch! Just look at Judge Arlene Bluth! She presided over another Firefighter's case, FF Obrian Pastrana, and, ruled against him. I'm Linking to my post about that lawsuit below, and that's a GOOD Photo of Arlene.

In the meantime, stay strong, stay vital, and know:

Your own good health "mandates" that you have ALEADY WON! All smiles. --Joanna from NYC's Medical Freedom Alliance



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As usual we see again that the supposed balance of the three branches is pure bullshit as they are all in collusion.

Get rid of lifetime terms.

Get rid of appointments.

And perhaps create penalties for immoral bullshit like they pulled here. Whoever wants to block the truth for their politics and beliefs should be disbarred or whatever they do to judges.

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Thank you for reporting.

Yes: "Bravest for Choice will be 'on the right side of history.'"

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