P.S. "Vaxed" 🤣😂😆🤦🏼‍♀️

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Fantastic interview! And you have a nice voice, Aimee.

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Michael, this is the final day for me to support MAHA. I can't believe myself, BUT RF Kennedy Jr, just stated on his Day No2 of hearing, that he supports GENE THERAPIES, thus the new cancer 'vaccines', etc. And that after saying on day No1 "GENES DO NOT CAUSE DISEASES". First now I understood WHY he had ALL the materials I gave, many others gave, and he NEVER changed the dialog to the complete truth about covid shots being GENE THERAPIES!!!! CHD continued the covid 'vaccines' LIES.

I'm done with CRIMINALS.

I feel happy for you and all your friends, that you all didn't fall for all the lies!!!

Protect yourself and your children from 'science hungry predators' who do not want to preserve the GOD given human genome!

God Bless!

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You must understand that the goal of a confirmation hearing is to actually get CONFIRMED. The goal is *not* to state every truth under the sun 🌞 nor embarass the Senators because they are the ones who hold your fait in their hands.

To judge Bobby's character and heart on these hearings is fatally flawed. I understand why one might do that, it's natural to do so. But it is not the manner in which to view the situation.

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Great job guys

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Love Michael Kane's hoodie in this: "Pharma is on the Naughty List".

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Yes. This definitely shifted the whole trajectory of my teaching career and I've never been the same. I was granted religious exemption (after a fight) and then the school denied me anyway due to the arbitration agreement claiming "undue hardship" and also, I was in a unionized charter school (new visions) so nobody cares about me or the other few employees that were voluntarily terminated.

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You can reach out to Aimee to share your story.

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I love you both ❤️

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This was a fantastic conversation, thank you for inviting me to have it Aimee. As I listened to it while washing the dishes tonight my wife heard some of it and we laughed remembering the weird and hard times of COVID. You got me to talk about things I normally don't; some of the "little" things; the personal things. As well as the biggest...

Thank you 🙏

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Thank you again for talking with me. There would be no New York Mandate Podcast without you and all of the people who have come forward to talk about their experiences and perspectives. I appreciate every one of them, and I hope that people will listen to what all of them have to say. I know that these are difficult conversations for people to have, but I think it's vitally important for all of us, including policy makers, to understand how the mandate policies have worked in real life and affected people's lives.

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Thank you Michael. I really identify with the experience you talked about of being forced to discuss such personal matters when you apply for religious exemption to getting jabbed. It is so offensive, intrusive and invasive! How dare they require that!

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