So proud of you, standing your ground. The state should not be able to for any procedure on a competent adult - ever.

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thank you so much for speaking up for the private sector. I am so sorry that you had to go through all of this. I was in New York City teacher forced to resign due to the vaccine mandates. I moved to the state of Tennessee at the end of August 2021. I was on the podcast episode five so if you wanted to listen to my story. everything that you said is so true we need to stand up for what’s right and no politician should have the right to tell us what to put into our bodies to keep a job sitting in a restaurant or see a movie. It’s horrible. I keep praying one day. Justice will be served and everybody gets everything back. Keep up the fight. I’m still speaking my truth from Tennessee and I will never stop standing up for what I believe in. These mandates affected so many people in so many different ways. I consider myself lucky that I was able to escape, but I am constantly reminded all the time of everything that I went through thank you again for your bravery, and if there was more people like us, we would not be in the situation that we are in

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I don't understand how corporations and cities etc can violate title VII of the civil rights act and just go "sue me".

What's the freaking point of a law or the Constitution when it requires money and time to get someone to comply?

Our legal system is a fraud. I'm glad people are seeing it more and more.


Also there's this movement to challenge whether Jacobson applies by quite a few lawyers. Ok, fine but if you don't argue that and just point out that Jacobson only allowed for a fine NOT RESTRICTION FROM WORK SCHOOL ETC the argument would be done.

But no, the attorneys keep on milking us with oops we lost and judges play along. Or perhaps it's not even conscious, like how the medical profession went along with bad treatments and clot shots, lawyers and judges are equally brainwashed and focus on legalese instead of simple points that invalidate the actions that employers and governments have done.

Wake up humanity.... Common sense isn't difficult to use and it has the most honest logic. Stop clinging to your elite speak logic whether it be legalese or medical speak or economic speak.

"I believe humanity's foray into fiction began with the breakdown of the bicameral mind, and the insertion of meaningless symbols in between the subject and the seer. In short, back when people used pictographic alphabets, we were limited to discussing things we could actually see in the real world. The invention of phonemic alphabets like this one, which are comprised not of representative pictures but of meaningless letters, provides the opportunity to invent an endless stream of non-sense, the greatest of these being spelled with just a single capital letter."

Alphabet vs the goddess lecture by Leonard Shlain


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