The ruling was appealed. That means no one can be reinstated until the appealing is reviewed and ruled on. https://wp-advocatz-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2022/10/Garvey-_NOTICE_OF-APPEAL.pdf

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Yes, and thank you for adding the link. The city filed for an appeal right away, and I mentioned that in the article above, but I'll have a more detailed update on that topic from the attorney shortly.

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This is amazing! Great work Aimee!

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This is great and important news for everyone vaccinated or not. As a unvaccinated New Yorker negatively affected by mandates I am grateful for these DSNY workers for sacrificing so much and putting the powers that be in check. So many will not know about this or care, but you have to try. I caught your video on YouTube also. Great. Thank you. I’ll be spreading the word.

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